


If you’ve been trying to figure out how to start an e-commerce business without getting instantly pummeled by the big guys (ahem, 亚马逊), 这一行有一些诀窍. 为了在拉丁美洲获得电子商务的好处,您需要冒险一试. You might fear getting lost in a sea filled with millions of other e-commerce sites, but we can help.



尽管在拉丁美洲开展电子商务业务充满挑战, 机会是巨大的. Let’s go over the basic steps to show you how to start an e-commerce business in Latin America.

1. 找到你的利基

The product (or products) you’re selling will determine how far your business goes—especially when you have to deal with exporting, 海关, 不同的法则. 在承诺一个特定的产品或一组产品之前, 了解该产品如何受到贸易协定和法规的影响.

Once you’ve determined that you can sell 你的产品 internationally, the next step is to 弄清楚拉丁美洲的人 想要 你的产品. 有几家信誉良好的公司, 比如欧睿信息咨询公司和SIS国际公司, 提供深入的消费者研究数据. 另一个选择是仔细研究该地区的大型电子商务平台, 比如自由市场和亚马逊, 来确定哪些产品在拉丁美洲已经很流行了.

2. 从一个国家开始

在拉丁美洲开展电子商务业务的前景令人望而生畏. bet36体育投注? 从一个国家开始,而不是试图煮沸海洋. 但是,你如何决定从哪个国家开始呢?

第一个, choose a country with an economy that’s projected to grow over the next few years to give your e-commerce business time to establish a foothold in that 市场. 然后,确定你可以在周边哪个国家做生意. 你懂西班牙语或葡萄牙语吗? 当业务需要时,你是否愿意或不愿意访问一些国家? 这些问题可以帮助你缩小选择范围.

3. 设置业务必需品

电子商务行业的支柱是网站和银行. The choices you make in both areas are even more important when doing business in Latin America.

For your web presence, you can use established 市场places like eBay, Amazon, or MercadoLibre. 这些站点减少了所需的设置工作量, 和, 为了额外的奖励, 消费者天生信任他们.

然而, using these 市场places instead of your own web platform that you have complete control over adds another layer of complexity (consider your inventory tracking) as well as costs for the 市场place fees. 利润率很低,这在国际电子商务中很常见, 这些费用可能是亏损和亏损之间的差别.


说到收款,你 有几个选择:

  • 传统的信用卡选择是有用的, 但可能只有一小部分消费者使用.
  • 如果你在使用像自由市场这样的跨境市场, 你可以信赖他们的付款处理.
  • Work with companies like dLocal 和 PayU that collect the funds for you in local currencies, 从长远来看,减少头痛的数量.

决定什么对你的生意是正确的, consult financial 和 legal advisors specializing in the region or country you’re targeting.

4. 让你的物流井然有序

Logistics is one of the biggest hurdles for people learning how to start an e-commerce business in Latin America. 高昂的成本可能令人望而生畏, 和 traditional fulfillment methods that work in one country can be a challenge when you move across the region.

如果你把要运输的每件物品都打包在地下室, 你可能会增加不必要的时间和 运输过程的成本这可能会使你的产品不如当地替代品那么受欢迎.

The key to getting logistics in order when shipping to a new country is to find a logistics partner with experience in the region. The unique challenges of Latin American logistics—differing 海关 processes across countries, 最后一英里交付, 处理退货的困难——找一个有多年经验的有经验的供应商. Logistics partners like SkyPostal that specialize in Latin American shipping have the regional network in place to overcome these challenges.

这取决于你要运送到哪个国家, SkyPostal can help you determine when to use fulfillment centers 和 what shipping methods make the most sense for your customers, 和 also provide door-to-door tracking 和 inventory integration technology that many other companies can’t match.

如果你在拉丁美洲寻找新的物流合作伙伴, 今日联络香港邮政. We have decades of experience delivering superior logistics for international e-commerce retailers shipping to the region.


拉丁美洲是一个地理和人口多样化的地区 33个国家,超过6.26亿居民. 本质上, 拉丁美洲的人口是美国的两倍, 居民们对电子商务购物还比较陌生. 通过适当的计划和研究, 你可以打开一个巨大的新市场,相对而言,很少有人能到达这个市场.

不像美国.S. 市场, 是由亚马逊主导的吗, 它在拉丁美洲电子商务市场的存在正在发展. MercadoLibre, for example, dominates the region while Amazon is still looking to exp和 there. 事实上, MercadoLibre operates in 13 Latin American countries 和 is confident it can withst和 competition.

拉丁美洲主要零售网站的快照. – 图片来源

而自由市场的市场份额与亚马逊在美国的市场份额相似, 不同之处在于,拉美市场本身正在迅速扩张. The overall Latin American e-commerce growth rate has consistently outpaced that of the United States in recent years.

拉丁美洲电子商务的增长受到社会发展的推动. 首先,中国是移动用户增长最快的市场之一. More people than ever have access to reliable internet 和 e-commerce sites in Latin America, 移动互联网普及率超过70%. 正如拉丁美洲商学院所建议的那样, the prospects of mobile e-commerce are emerging as a real challenger to brick-和-mortar stores.

“如果你进入拉丁美洲一个国家的移动电子商务市场, 你将有机会在游戏中脱颖而出, 因为电子商务作为一个概念在该地区仍然是相当新的. In the absence of an industry-changing giant like Amazon coming along 和 disrupting everything with pioneering logistics 和 the ability to offer prices that other retailers can’t match, 实体店能够留住他们的客户群. 但这还不足以阻止电子商务的发展.”

E-commerce has the potential to provide more choice for Latin American consumers than traditional brick-和-mortar stores. Savvy e-commerce retailers have a golden opportunity to get out in front of a rapidly exp和ing 市场, 如果他们睁大眼睛进去.


Starting an e-commerce business in Latin America has some inherent risks 和 challenges, though.

就像世界上许多地区的情况一样, 拉丁美洲容易受到政治和经济动荡的影响. 但多数分析师认为,该地区的长期前景看好. The strength of the Latin American 市场 lies in the long-term development of the region, 即在基础设施方面. 特别是像墨西哥和巴西这样的国家正在推动该地区向前发展.

The political problems of some countries in Latin America are well-documented—namely, Venezuela. The complicated political situation there stems in large part from the country’s economy, 哪个国家几乎完全依赖于石油工业. 与 每桶石油价格下降, oil production dropping, 和 the placement of devastating sanctions on the country, Venezuela 变得不稳定.

委内瑞拉的问题是独一无二的, 然而, 拉美大部分地区经济和平发展,日益繁荣.

特别是在电子商务方面, Latin America presents some special circumstances for international retailers not familiar with the 海关 和 cultures in each country.

  1. 支付障碍是国际零售商面临的一个挑战. Credit cards 和 banking are less common in Latin America than in many other parts of the world. 如果电子商务零售商完全依赖信用卡支付或PayPal等服务, 这可能会影响销售. 零售商需要熟悉和 开始接受每个国家最流行的现金支付方式 要想成功. 其中包括:
    • Boleto Bancário在巴西
    • 墨西哥的OXXO代金券
    • Vía哥伦比亚的Baloto
    • 秘鲁的有效工资和安全工资
  1. 该地区的物流基础设施不稳定, 尤其是当你远离大城市的时候. While certain countries don’t have the necessary roads or railways to match the United States 和 Europe for parcel delivery speeds, 一些较大的国家喜欢 智利和墨西哥提供高于平均水平的物流体验. 另外, 公私合作投资正在增加,目的是让该地区的更多人可以进入.
  2. 与美国和欧洲不同,拉丁美洲是一个多样化的贸易区. 每个国家都有自己的海关要求和行业法规. 零售商销售的商品可能面临更严格的审查,比如食品, 健康, 电子工业——可能需要特别考虑.

随着拉丁美洲电子商务领域的不断发展, businesses that can effectively address the region's specific needs – such as offering alternative payment methods 和 overcoming logistical hurdles – will be well-positioned to capitalize on this growing 市场. 有了正确的方法和合作伙伴, e-commerce entrepreneurs can tap into Latin America's vast potential 和 build successful, 在这个充满活力的地区开展可扩展的业务.

当谈到驾驭拉丁美洲复杂的物流格局时, SkyPostal是电子商务企业的理想合作伙伴. 在该地区有几十年的经验, SkyPostal offers tailored shipping solutions that address the unique challenges of Latin American 市场s.

对可靠, 非常高效。, 以及具有成本效益的运输bet36体育投注, 考虑SkyPostal作为您值得信赖的物流合作伙伴. Contact us today to learn how we can support your e-commerce expansion in this promising 市场.